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Use the Tachycardia with a Pulse algorithm and detailed article to learn how to appropriately assess and treat this patient.
ST-elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI), the most common cause of cardiac arrest in adults, has a well-organized "system of care". Learn the steps and protocols in our detailed article.
Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Care is the second aspect of "system of care". It provides life-saving interventions as soon as the CARDIAC EVENT occurs to increase the survival rate.
In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Care is the first aspect of the system of care, a framework for linking the interdependent components of healthcare institutions' resuscitation system.
Learn the process of Acute Stroke Assessment in the Emergency Department. The general assessment is followed by Neurological assessment and determining ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke.
Learn to simplify the Assessment, Important Time-Frames and Clinical Diagnosis of acute stroke patients for ACLS providers, which is especially useful in the out-of-hospital situation.
Respiratory Arrest occurs when there is a complete absence of breathing or ineffective breathing. Learn the types of respiratory problems and their respective assessment.
Master the mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) calculation to assess overall perfusion. Our article helps you understand the significance and accurate measurement of MAP.
Our article reviews how to interpret an arterial blood gas. Enhance your knowledge of Arterial Blood Gases (ABG) management.
This article and video explain the Health Assessment: The General Survey and Subjective Data. Learn about how to conduct a general...
This article and video explain The Objective Assessment. The objective assessment includes neurological assessment, cardiovascular...
This article and video show An Easy Way to Interpret Arterial Blood Gases. Learn how to interpret arterial blood gases...
This article and video detail Shock: Cardiogenic, Hypovolemic, and Septic. Learn the three common types of shock, pathophysiology...
This article and video detail Shock: Cardiogenic, Hypovolemic, and Septic. Learn the three common types of shock, pathophysiology...
This detailed article and video explore Three Common Types of Pneumonia. Learn about the risk factors and unique signs and symptoms...
This article and video explain The Neurological Assessment. Learn about the level of consciousness, Glasgow Coma Scale, pupils...
Review our detailed article and watch the video regarding Neurogenic Shock vs. Spinal Shock. Learn about the pathophysiology and nursing...
This article and video review the Respiratory Assessment. Learn the four respiratory assessment techniques: inspection, palpation...