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Combining the Frontal Axis and Horizontal Axis

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Combining the Frontal Axis and Horizontal Axis

Figure 1 represents the spatial orientation of the limb leads (leads I, II, III, aVR, aVL, and aVF) and the precordial leads (leads V1 through V6) of a 12-lead ECG. The precordial leads are also known as the chest leads.

The limb leads correspond to the frontal QRS axis – superior, inferior, right, and left; the precordial leads correspond to the horizontal axis – anterior, posterior, right, and left.

The goal of this illustration is to allow the student to visualize the vectors generated by the impulse from the heart and to depict how each vector affects the measurement of electrical potentials in each of the 12 leads of the ECG


Frontal axis with limb and precordial leads.

The frontal axis with limb and precordial leads.