EXERCISE 1: Figure 6 is an ECG tracing of a 15-year-old boy born with severe pulmonary valve stenosis.
Figure 6. 12-Lead ECG of a 15-Year-Old Boy With Severe Pulmonary Valve Stenosis
Answer the following questions to assess the criteria for RVH.
EXERCISE 2. Refer to the figure below.
Exercise 2 RBBB ECG
1. Incomplete Right Bundle Branch Block, represented by an rSr’-complex in precordial lead V2.
2. Yes
3. Right axis deviation with ÅQRSF = +150°; p-pulmonale in lead II > 2.5 mm; T-wave inversion and ST-depression in leads V1 to V3 and leads II, III, aVF depicting a right ventricular strain pattern; r’>r.