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EXERCISE 1: Figure 6 is an ECG tracing of a 15-year-old boy born with severe pulmonary valve stenosis.

12-lead ECG of 15-year-old boy with severe pulmonary valve stenosis.

Figure 6. 12-Lead ECG of a 15-Year-Old Boy With Severe Pulmonary Valve Stenosis

Answer the following questions to assess the criteria for RVH.

Chapter 7 exercise 1 question


Chapter 7 exercise 1 answers

EXERCISE 2. Refer to the figure below.

  1. What is the core finding in this ECG report?
  2. Is this ECG indicative of RVH?
  3. If so, what are the findings indicative of RVH? If not, skip number 3.

Exercise 2 RBBB ECG.

Exercise 2 RBBB ECG


1. Incomplete Right Bundle Branch Block, represented by an rSr’-complex in precordial lead V2.
2. Yes
3. Right axis deviation with ÅQRSF = +150°; p-pulmonale in lead II > 2.5 mm; T-wave inversion and ST-depression in leads V1 to V3 and leads II, III, aVF depicting a right ventricular strain pattern; r’>r.