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Chapter 8: A Final Word

Get CPR/AED/First Aid Certified Today

Chapter 8: A Final Word

On completing this course, you join many other healthcare workers prepared to intervene in life-threatening situations. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death, so it is prevalent, and rescuers must maintain a high level of skill and knowledge to achieve successful outcomes. Accidental injury and trauma also require that individuals with knowledge of first aid are prepared to intervene when necessary. With this course’s completion, you should be well-prepared to take the exam to obtain your First Aid, CPR, and AED certification. However, your education should not end here.


  • As a First Aid/CPR/AED provider, it is your responsibility to keep current on any research-based changes to the protocol. We can help you do that.
  • Keep updated on changes by visiting our website frequently. New and updated content is added regularly.
  • Practice your skills. Take advantage of learning opportunities in the community and your workplace to reinforce your learning. 

We hope this course has been valuable to you. Please let us know if you have questions about the content or need additional training. The quizzes and final exams have been included to test your knowledge of this content.