As you complete this course, you join many other ACLS trained personnel prepared to intervene in life-threatening situations. Since cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the industrialized world, healthcare staff must maintain a high level of skill and knowledge.
With the completion of this course, you should be well-prepared to take the exam to obtain your ACLS certification. However, your education should not end here.
The AHA and ECC do a full revision of the ACLS requirements every 5 years with an annual update each year. As an ACLS provider, it is your responsibility to keep up to date on these research-based changes to the protocol. We can help you do that.
Visit our website regularly to monitor for changes to the protocols. This website is updated with new content frequently.
Practice your skills. Attend resuscitation efforts at your facility to reinforce your learning. As you become more advanced and comfortable with your knowledge, ask to be included on the “code team” or “rapid response team” at your institution.
We hope this course has been valuable to you. Please let us know if you have questions about the content or need additional training. The practice and final exams are available to test your knowledge of this content. Don’t forget to visit our Megacode scenarios section to get practice with situations using the principles of ACLS.
Here are additional learning resources from our Free Learning Center: