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Get Bloodborne Pathogens Certified Today


When tending to a patient in need of medical assistance, especially if exposure to the patient’s blood is likely, the risk of transmission of bloodborne pathogens leading to subsequent infection is substantial. 

Situations in which there may be exposure to bloodborne pathogens are the following:

  1. Blood or body secretions that enter the skin through an open wound or that enter the eyes, mouth, or nose
  2. A needlestick injury from a needle contaminated with infected blood

Both patients and rescuers can transmit pathogens. The risk of infection is variable, depending on the patient’s and rescuer’s immune status, the number of organisms in the exposure, and the local prevalence of various pathogens.

Key Takeaway

      • The first step in giving help is to ensure the safety of the scene.
      • You cannot help the patient if you get hurt in the process!