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Pulmonary Anatomy Video

ACLS Certification Association videos have been peer-reviewed for medical accuracy by the ACA medical review board.

Video at a Glance

  • The conducting airways are the airways that move the air from the outside and into the lungs. These airways are not involved in the exchange of gasses.
  • The exchange airways are the places where O2 and CO2 are exchanged.
  • The respiratory tree has 17-23 branches.
  • The conducting airways provide an excellent barrier that provides defense from bacteria and viruses.
  • There are three lobes on the right lung and two on the left, and they are divided by fissures.
  • The cells lining the airway change from level to level, and all of the cells of the airways are explained in detail.
  • In healthy lungs, there is a layer of mucus.

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