Practice Tests
As the largest online provider of emergency life support certification training, we take pride in improving patient outcomes through better education. We achieve this by leveraging the most comprehensive study materials in the industry and providing it in a convenient and accessible digital format.
No matter how ready you might feel for your certification exam, taking a practice test beforehand is one of the best ways to assess your knowledge and ensure you’re prepared. Our free practice tests consist of multiple-choice questions generated using information straight from our medical handbooks. Best of all, our unique platform provides a detailed rationale for each question and answer to gain a deeper understanding of important topics.
Earn a 20% Discount on Your Next Certification Course! is proud to offer a 20% discount to students who successfully pass 5 of our practice tests in one sitting. Currently, you have passed 0 of the 5 required tests. Start testing your skills and earning your discount now in our Practice Exam Section.